Accounting soLutions

BookKeeping (monthly, quarterly, ANNUALLY)

You understand your unique needs best but many times a full-time accountant on your payroll does not make fiscal sense. Compound by the fact that even a part-time accounting position is difficult to fill. When this is the case consider choosing us to provide these services.

We can assist you in implementing a bookkeeping schedule so you and your governing board receive the financial reports you need to make decisions. What use is receiving financial reports without being able to understand them and what they represent? We have the skill set to translate your financial reports and give them purpose so that they can drive your decision rather than just end up in a box in a closet.

FINANCIAL statement preparation

There are instances where the external auditors or the County require a district provide their financial statements. We can assist in taking your general ledger financial details and putting them into report format with supporting statements, footnotes and schedules.

financial transactions report

Your district’s Financial Transactions Report (FTR) is due seven months after the close of the fiscal year (January 31st). Submitting these reports can present significant challenges for those that only prepare them once a year. If you need assistance preparing your annual submission we are available to complete the preparation.

Audit and review solutions


An audit provides the highest level of assurance. An audit is an official examination and verification of accounts and records that support a set of financial statements.


A review provides limited assurance regarding an organization’s financial statements. Less extensive than an audit but more involved than a compilation. A review typically includes analytical procedures applied to financial statements and inquires to the company’s personnel.


A compilation provides no assurance regarding the districts financial statements. During a compilation, we put the financial data provided to us into a financial statement format that conforms to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. We make no comments and give no opinions on the outcome of compilations.

Agreed-Upon Procedures

An Agreed-Upon Procedures engagement is often performed when a district needs reporting outside of the scope of a review or compilation, without incurring the costs of an audit. In an AUP engagement, specified parties agree on the specific procedures to be performed which we then report back to the client and/or the third party. Agreed-upon procedure engagements are performed in accordance with the attestation standards set for by the AICPA, and opinions regarding findings are not given.

Consulting solutions

Consulting Projects

Consulting services are project based and are determined by each individual districts needs. No two districts are exactly the same but these engagements include:

  • Internal control reviews

  • Capital asset studies

  • Accounting system setup (general ledger)

  • Budget development

  • Forensic accounting

We are dedicated to providing our clients with high-quality, personalized accounting services designed to provide you with a complete financial picture of your business.